Pasteurized caviar can be prepared from roe of sturgeon of 1st or 2nd
grade with or without addition of preservatives. Grains can be firm or
with a weak membrane, any size and colour.
Caviar is packed in glass jars of capacity 28, 56 and 112 g,
hermetically vacuum-sealed with tin lids with lithographic printing on
them, and pasteurized. The process of heating goes in water tubs or
autoclaves until the temperature 60-65 degrees Centigrade inside the
jars is reached. Then the jars are cooled, quality checked and packed.
It is important to check that the jars are durable, clean and
hermetically sealed. Before transportation each jar with caviar is
wrapped in paper, and then they are packed in paper-lined boxes.
There are no grades for pasteurized caviar. Quality requirements for
pasteurized caviar are the same as for 1st grade sturgeon caviar with
the acceptance of insignificant mud flavor or acrimony. Pasteurized
caviar with such quality indicators is considered standard. Ready to
use product can be stored for a year at the temperature 0° Centigrade.
The requirements for pasteurized sturgeon caviar are the same as for
1st grade tinned caviar, however it is not graded. Acceptable content
of table salt is 3 to 5 %. Grains should separate easily, the membrane
of each grain should be quite firm.